Friday, May 20, 2011

My Life Blog

1. Which programs / tools / skills did you draw upon to create this project?
I used Microsoft Powerpoint, GarageBand, and iMovie.
2. Were they all things that you previously mastered or do you feel like this project helped you feel more comfortable working with anything?

It helped me feel more comfortable.
3. You were all born within a few years of each other, w
hich editing trick did you use or information did you include to make your project more interesting and stand out from the rest?
I used different transitions and I added informational slides like the fashion and the music.
4. How did you select the music, decide the order, and where to switch from song to song?

I picked upbeat songs that I liked and the order and switches were random.
5. Did you learn (or did you already know) anything interesting about the year that you were born?

I learned Oklahoma City was bombed.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Music Genre Clip

1. Which genre did you choose and why?
I chose Jazz as my genre because Jazz is such good music, but it is sometimes forgotten.
2. What skills did you use/learn in this project?

I learned how to use iMovie and some new skills from iMovie.
Which tool / editing trick did you use to make your project more interesting?
I used the world map tool on iMovie to make it more interesting.
4. On which sites did you find the information about your music style that you provided?

Wikipedia and
5. How did you decide the order and where to switch from song to song?

I basically did it all randomly.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

PND Culture Project Blog

1. Which movie did you choose and why?
Weight lifting because there were only about 4 other topics to choose from.
2. What skills did you use/learn in this project?

I learned how to use iMovie.
Describe all subsections in your video. (Interview with coach detailing practices/season; voiceover description of program benefits; etc)
We had an interview with Mr. Kelly, pictures of the weight lifting room, a video of drew using something in he weight lifting room, and a video of someone dropping their weights. 
4. For which of these subsections were you responsible?
The pictures and video of the weight lifting fail.
5. Which tool / editing trick did you use to make one or more of them more interesting?

I used different transitions to make the video better.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Podcast Blog

1. Which movie did you choose and why?
I chose The Lion King because it was my favorite movie as a kid.
2. What skills did you use/learn in this project?
I learned how to use GarageBand and things on it like recording my voice, adding sound effects,  and adding photos.
3. How you might use these skills and apply them to a real-world situation?
I could use GarageBand for a certain job I had to do that involved me recording my voice and/or sound effects.
4. Where did you find your sound effects? Was it difficult to get the timing right?
I found some of my sound effects on Youtube, but I found the other sound effects on GarageBand. Yes, it was pretty difficult for me to get some of the timing right.

Monday, March 28, 2011

PND Culture Project

1. Which topic did you choose and why?
Our topic was weight lifting. We chose i because it seemed easy and there weren't many other choices left.
2. Which section were you in charge of and how did you decide who would work on what?
We didn't really have "sections." We basically just shared all the work equally.
3. What skills did you use/learn in this project and how you might use these skills and apply them to a real-world situation?
I learned how to make a powerpoint on Google Docs so that we could all work on it at the same time.
4. This was our first group project. Do you enjoy working in groups? What advantages do you see to working with others versus working alone? What disadvantages are there?
I think it would have been better if we could have picked our groups because some group members were too shy to say anything. An advantage to working in a group is that the work is spread out evenly so you don't do as much. A disadvantage is that there might be a slacker in your group that doesn't work a lot.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

iPhoto Name Project Blog

1. Which search terms did you use to find images (for the letters of your name and the images that describe you) and why?
I searched things I liked that looked like the letters in my name such as the doughnut, the popsicle, and M&M. When I couldn't think of something I liked that looked like a letter I would Google "the letter A in nature."
2. What skills did you use/learn in this project?
I learned how to make a slideshow on iPhoto and how to make a powerpoint into a picture to add to iPhoto.
3. Describe how you might use these skills and apply them to a real-world situation.
If I took many pictures that I really liked, I could make them into a nice slideshow to show to my friends family.
4. This was a more creative project than our first 2. Did you prefer it or the more cut and dry assignments in Word and Excel?
I like the more creative projects because then you don't have to worry about messing up because of the cut and dry assignment. You have more room to add your own creativity. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Charity Appeal Letter MailMerge/Contact List Project

1. List the name of your business and its charity.
My business was the Make-A-Wish Foundation Of America and the charity was called Walk For Wishes.                           2. What skills did you use/learn in this project?
I learned how to perform a mail merge which is when you can merge addresses from a Microsoft Excel file to a Microsoft Word file.3. What was the easiest part of this project? What was the most difficult part of this project?
The easiest part of the project was finding addresses. The most difficult part was writing the letter.4. Describe how you might use these skills and apply them to a real-world situation other than writing a charity letter.
If I was making invitations, I would put all the names and addresses into Microsoft Excel and then mail merge it to a Microsoft Word document.5. Did you learn something new during this project that you did not know before?  If so, what? [Your response to this question can be related to the information, skills, or process of the project.]
I didn't know what mail merge was before this project. I now know how to mail merge.

M&M Project

1. What functions did your spreadsheet perform?
The spreadsheet basically laid out all of my information into organized columns. It helped me to find averages and totals.
2. What skills did you use/learn in this project?
I learned how to find the average and total of a row of numbers on the spreadsheet.
3. Describe how you might use these skills and apply them to a real-world situation.
If you need to make an organized spreadsheet for your job then you could use Microsoft Excel. It can help you find averages and it adds totals. You can also add charts on your spreadsheet.

Monday, March 14, 2011


My expectation for this class is to learn more about computer programs such as using iPhoto and Microsoft.