Friday, May 20, 2011

My Life Blog

1. Which programs / tools / skills did you draw upon to create this project?
I used Microsoft Powerpoint, GarageBand, and iMovie.
2. Were they all things that you previously mastered or do you feel like this project helped you feel more comfortable working with anything?

It helped me feel more comfortable.
3. You were all born within a few years of each other, w
hich editing trick did you use or information did you include to make your project more interesting and stand out from the rest?
I used different transitions and I added informational slides like the fashion and the music.
4. How did you select the music, decide the order, and where to switch from song to song?

I picked upbeat songs that I liked and the order and switches were random.
5. Did you learn (or did you already know) anything interesting about the year that you were born?

I learned Oklahoma City was bombed.